We must view young people not as empty bottles to be filled, but as candles to be lit.
Robert H. Shaffer

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

3351 Action Research Projects by Teachers

1. What is the title of the project? TNLI: Action Research: Curriculum Implementation:
Using Readers Theater to Show Off Good Reading
2. What is the Question? How can I effectively utilize Readers Theater to improve the fluency and reading comprehension skills of my students?
4. What strategy is being used to address? The strategy used is Simulations and Games.

5. What evidence is presented that the strategy will work? The National Reading Panel in 2000 identified fluency as a key ingredient to successful reading instruction because of its effect on students’ reading efficiency and comprehension.

6. How will data be collected to determine if the strategy will work? The methods  used to collect data included surveys, observations, and student fluency assessments.

7. How was the data analyzed? Student performances of Reader’s Theater scripts were taped and analyzed weekly to monitor improvements in fluency. A rubric was utilized for the students to self-assess their own progress during the study.

8. What were the results? The results of the project affirmed that utilizing reader’s theater does lead to improved levels of fluency and reading comprehension. However, while all the students benefited, the results did not show equal gains for all students.

9. How do the results inform teacher practice? Readers Theater improved the students’ reading rate, word recognition accuracy and use of expression while reading as well as their attitudes toward reading.

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