We must view young people not as empty bottles to be filled, but as candles to be lit.
Robert H. Shaffer

Thursday, March 1, 2012

2201 Media Awareness

  • Has someone taken responsibility for the content of this Web site? Advocates for Youth  Written by Brigid McKeon
  • Can you contact the company or author through a real world postal address or phone number? Yes, both of these are available in the about us section.
  • Can you verify the authority of any of the site's content that is attributed to other sources? Yes, there is a long list of references

  • Does the site offer more than one viewpoint? No, this seems to be a one-sided article.
  • Does the site clearly state the topics that it intends to address? Yes, the article is clear on their viewpoints.
  • Does the information seem complete and consistent? Yes, the information supports its view and is consistent.


  • Is it important that the information you're looking for be absolutely current? The information is fairly current (2006). I don’t think it’s necessary to be absolutely current.
  • Is a reference date provided to show when the material was put online, or when it was last updated? Yes, the copyright is 2008.
  • Do the links work? Yes, the links work with no problems.

  • Can I get the information faster offline? Yes, this information is much faster to find on the internet.
  • Does the online material I'm finding suit my needs? I would have preferred the article to have represented both views on this topic. However, the information it did give was interesting.
  • Am I able to verify this information? Yes, there are additional websites offered to compare the information.

  • How can you tell what’s what? This website is .org which anyone can apply for, and use, these letters in their domain names.
  • I picked this topic after listening to the radio on my way to class. Parents in a certain county in West Virginia are going to be given a preview of the sex education class their children will be presented. Teen pregnancy is extensive in this county. I am a parent of a teenage daughter and would approve of her attending a class on sex education. We have a great relationship and talk often but it would be nice to be backed up by educators.

Click here for my website.

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