We must view young people not as empty bottles to be filled, but as candles to be lit.
Robert H. Shaffer

Sunday, January 22, 2012

2201 Double Entry #1

"...we must stop disparaging digital prowess just because some of us over 40 don’t happen to possess it."

I chose this quote because I felt it was talking directly to me. When I graduated from high school many, many years ago computers were just things to play games on. I failed to keep up with the changing times and now I struggle trying to figure things out. I am amazed at what my kids and fellow classmates can do with the technology that is available. I wish a hundred times over I would have learned technology as it evolved. I have a fear of clicking and pushing buttons that I am trying hard to overcome.

I want to encourage my future students to take advantage of the resources they have at their fingertips. Literally. Technology can only enhance their learning experiences. The image that I found is how I view technology today.

Heffernan, V. (2011, August 7). Education needs a digital-age upgrade. The New York Times

Earth with a keyboard. (Designer). (n.d.). Technology learning=21 century. [Web Graphic]. Retrieved from http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A0PDoS1zWxxPPGoA.ZGJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTA3cnMybzJvBHNsawNpbWc-?back=http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?p=technology&ei=utf-8&fr=sfp&tab=organic&ri=56&w=700&h=410&imgurl=www.iambk.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/education-technology.jpg&rurl=http://www.iambk.com/education-as-platform-technology-learning-21st-century-model.html&size=64 KB&name=.. Technology + Learning = 21st Century Model | Education Technology for&p=technology&oid=cc18f0440df5133a0aecd40799fd2264&fr2=&fr=sfp&tt=..+Technology+%2B+Learning+%3D+21st+Century+Model+%7C+Education+Technology+for&b=31&ni=96&no=56&tab=organic&ts=&sigr=12mshqn5b&sigb=12rp37ru8&sigi=121t1hkbr&.crumb=3BrJxXVbWQm

1 comment:

  1. Great image to reflect you understanding of the connections between knowledge of the world and technology!

    You did a nice job connecting the reading to your personal experiences! You reflection helped get to know you as a learner and your relationship to technology! This knowledge will help me meet your needs as a teacher!

    Score: 5/5
